I Took An Unplugged Holiday

It’s no secret that I like to get out and do things. I love to travel. See new places. Go on adventures.

One of my favourite adventures? Hiking the Three Capes in Tasmania. For those of you in other parts of the world, that’s a long hike at the veeerrry bottom of Australia. It’s the last stop before Antarctica, and we went on the winter solstice of 2021.

For 4 days and 3 nights, we carried our own gear and food between the sleeping huts along the trail. Well, my partner carried some of my gear along the way… You know I am really good at delegating…😂

But the point is… This trip was amazing. We were totally disconnected from the outside world. Life felt fun and simple with no internet access, fresh air, and freeze dried food. Freeze dried food never tasted as good as when you’re tired and hungry after a long day of hiking.

And the bigger picture here is the lack of internet connectivity.

4 days off grid as a business owner… Unfortunately, that’s categorized as #GOALS for most because you think it can’t happen now (or anytime soon).

If you’re anything like me and those who I work with, you probably started your business for the freedom and flexibility that taking on the role of “The Boss” promised… Not to work 24/7 and pass up on living your life.

But then the to-dos pile up.

More and more because you’re good at what you do and your clients can’t get enough of you.

It’s a good problem to have, but at the end of the day, you’re left trying to keep up with everything and whenever you personally take a break, business entirely stops because it’s so closely attached to your effort every hour.

The good news: If you’re here even reading my emails, you’re already taking a step in the right direction because chances are that you’re thinking about how to step up as a LEADER instead of the core DOER.

But if you want more on this topic, take my free on-demand masterclass: Ready to Hire? 5 questions to ask yourself before hiring your first (or next) team member [even if they’re a contractor, casual or full-time employee] 

I hope this inspires you to go book at least a few days away sometime soon. You won’t regret it.



Stop Doing It Solo


Zenith Journal *April Highlights*