How Do You Run Your Quarter?

We are on the home stretch. Can you believe we’re about to hit the fourth quarter of the year 2022?!

What can the beginning of a season or the beginning of a quarter mean for you and your mindset? If you think about the beginning of the year, often we have this idea of a fresh start and a new chance to start things. We might have big goals for our life or for our business or for our job and are full of fresh energy. But sometimes when we think about this as just happening once a year, it can easily fall down the slippery slide and we come to the end of the year feeling like we’re just holding on.

But how about running your quarter, like a CEO? This means having a look at the quarter that’s ahead. Doing a check-in of what has been and what’s to come and how to use this final quarter the most effectively leading you into the year 2023.

Listen to Podcast Episode 16 on How to run your quarter like a CEO

For your Team

Firstly, let’s start with how to do a quarter with your team as a check-in. Some people will have an annual review process, and sometimes that review gets done and then put into a drawer. Other people will talk more regularly to their team. I like to encourage the idea of doing it quarterly. The reason being is you have an opportunity to make sure that things are on track from your quarterly goals, adapt them if they’re not. But also if things aren’t quite going to plan, you have more opportunities to get back on track. So it’s better as a leader to be able to do a lot of small tweaks than to have to do one or two big ones at the end of the year.

For Yourself

How do you run your own quarter like a CEO? Well, the process is quite similar. I have a check-in to think how did you go in the last quarter? Was I happy with the things that I achieved? What were my goals in relation to the year and the quarter that’s just been. This is both work and personal – we say no to burnout!

Want Some Support For The End Of 2022?

Coming into September, I will be opening up for new clients to join for Quarterly Leadership Coaching/Mentoring. This will be the last time I’ll be taking 1:1 clients until March of 2023. If you have you been thinking about 1:1 Leadership Coaching now is your opportunity to jump in here.

This is for you if:

  • You are in a leadership position wanting to enhance your skills (most people have never been taught how to lead!)

  • Moving to leadership or executive level position, and want to have the right structure and tools in place to lead at the right level (not just add more things ‘to do’ on to your previous job)

  • You are a small business owner ready to build a team, or effectively lead the team you have

What sort of people do Quarterly 1:1 Leadership Coaching/Mentoring?

The current spread of coaching clients includes a few small business CEOs, two corporate executives, a high school principal, and an entrepreneur. Industries span from technology, education, marketing, engineering, construction, and medical.

Have a think, what are the goals that you would like to hit for the final quarter of 2022? If 1:1 coaching is for you Book a 20min Discovery Call here.


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