You cannot always control what is thrown at you, but you can shape the way you and your team respond and move forward.

I help CEOs, solopreneurs, executives and leaders inspire action from their people, create effective strategies that stick and drive their business forward without having to โ€œcrack the whipโ€.

Hey there, Iโ€™m Kate Peardon.

Iโ€™m a keynote speaker, podcast-maker and leadership mentor for founders and leaders who want to link their powers to their people and lead with intention.

(Iโ€™m also a qualified yoga instructor, Namaste!)

I live by the beach on the Sunshine Coast in Australia, Iโ€™m a recovering chronic overachiever and I am a huuuuge musical theatre geek. I also firmly believe that in order to be a better leader, youโ€™ve got to cut through the noise, focus on the important stuff, and make a solid plan.

I've conquered the corporate ladder and sat in fancy seats all around the world at the detriment to my own health. After experiencing a stroke back in 2018, my perspective on everything shifted, inspiring my journey into positive psychology. I like to refer to that time as a gift (without the bow), because it led me to blend science and authentic leadership tools to help other leadersโ€“ no matter who they leadโ€“ scale and grow their business without all the hustle. 

Say hello to your peak performanceโ€“ minus the burnout part

I believe that inspirational and effective leadership should be people focused.


If youโ€™re a founder who wants to:

  • Create a solid business strategy and implement it right.

  • Refine your hiring skills, so you can build your dream team.

  • Improve your processes and systems and delegate effectively.

  • Worry less, do less and scale without burning yourself out.

  • Get your freedom back.

Check this out


If youโ€™re a leader who wants to:

  • Feel like a better, more effective leader to your team.

  • Stop feeling chronically overworked with a seemingly never-ending to-do list.

  • Spend more time doing the things you love outside of work and spending more time with your family.

  • Feel fulfilled and on top of your day, every day.

Check this out


For individuals who want to:

  • Improve your leadership style and rediscover what it means to be an effective leader people look up to.

  • Get the accountability, strategy, and overall support needed to feel confident and fulfilled within your role.

  • Find better ways to motivate your team to achieve company goals.

  • Build strong connections and a network you can trust.

Check this out

Iโ€™m not just another coach

Finding the right leadership mentor or coach to partner with can be overwhelming. You may see similar titles thrown around in the online space or workplace, but we all run differently.

If youโ€™re a Founder, CEO, Solopreneur, Executive or Corporate Leader who wants to:

  • Get clarity on how to move forward, and the steps to take, in whichever direction you want to go (e.g. your business strategy, or solving a problem with a team member)

  • Remove barriers that are keeping you stuck in the same spot.

  • Be kept accountable with simple and actionable plans that are tailored to fit in with you and your business.

  • Work with a coach who makes your leadership development engaging and the โ€œboring bitsโ€ fun.

Here are some of my amazing clients who went all in on their leadership development and moved their business toward success:

The Zenith Journey Approach

This isnโ€™t about me talking at you, but opening honest conversationsโ€“discomfort is welcome, but never shame. My job is to help you find higher ground to see challenges from a different perspective. With a little reframing, roadblocks are actually good things, and often, youโ€™ll be surprised to realise that all the answers youโ€™re looking for are already inside you. 

You just need help pulling them out.

All of my work for both individuals and teams stems from the idea of compounding interest: consistent, small improvements of 1% everyday creates significant and sustainable results. Together, we work through the following phases:


Understand what you want to achieve, your motivations, and the impact if you donโ€™t move forward with change. What does success look like for you?


Develop a customised plan to help reach your goals and implement it with step-by-step support, accountability, and troubleshooting along the way.


Where are you now? We use a variety of profile tools and 360 degree feedback to get a well-rounded assessment.


Revisit your original goals, reflect on your progress, gather feedback, and most importantlyโ€“celebrate your wins.

What makes me so good at what I do?